30 Jun 5 Great Tips For Finding Work If You Have A Disability
You, too, can find work. Even if you have a disability, there is no reason for you to be discouraged. Don’t give up on your efforts.
Just be certain you are utilizing the strategies that can help you. When it comes to this, here are five tips you should consider. Make sure you give these ideas below a shot.
1. Be Specific as Possible with Your Search
If you are casting your net in every possible direction, you need to be more specific with your search. There will be some jobs that you are over or under qualified for, and you only need to invest energy into the jobs suited for your background. You also need to refrain from exploring work options for which you have no genuine interest.
Now is the time to try and get exactly what you want. You know how stressful job hunting can be. Get it right this go-round.
2. Reach Out to Your Loved Ones
Your family and friends can be great resources for you. They can help encourage you and keep your spirit high. They also help you to be realistic about your search.
As you wait to land your job, your loved ones might be able to provide you with opportunities to make extra cash to help support you. Whether it’s some odd work at their home or something temporary at their job, they could have a pulse on opportunities during your time of waiting. Your family and friends also might know key contacts who could assist you.
3. Utilize Various Online Job Boards
There are several ways to conduct a good job search online. Among the resources you have is the ability to check out job boards. You can find general job boards and boards that primarily have disability jobs, too.
Make sure that you check these sites daily. These online resources provide you with regularly updated available job postings and tools to help you with things like your resume. You also have access to information on potential employers and wages.
4. Be Certain to Use Social Media
Don’t forget that social media also can be very helpful. Some of your popular online platforms like Facebook actually have a section dedicated to available work. Plus, you get to use social media to network and fill your contacts in on your goals.
You definitely should have a presence on LinkedIn, too. If you do not have a LinkedIn account, you should join today to unlock all the benefits. Take your time when creating your profile to put forward the best representation of you, your professional background, and your career objectives.
5. Network Through Community Events
Don’t forget that it’s extremely important to always be networking. Sure, much of that can take place online for you. But pay special attention to opportunities in your community.
Stay on top of community calendars and look for events like job fairs. You also should keep an eye out for any social opportunities hosted by your city or organizations nearby. Be certain to always be out and about shaking hands and meeting people who could potentially open up doors for you. Also, make sure you always look your best when out in public. You do not ever know who you might meet one day that could help you with your search.
Don’t Give Up on Your Search
With one or more of the five tips above, you eventually can find work. Make sure you give these ideas a shot. Each suggestion has helped others just like you who have a disability. Best wishes as you move forward and don’t give up on your search.
Author Bio
Samantha Higgins is a professional writer with a passion for research, observation, and innovation. She is nurturing a growing family of twin boys in Portland, Oregon with her husband. She loves kayaking and reading creative non-fiction.
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