Talent Intelligence And Management Report 2019-2020 – Eightfold



talent intelligence

Eightfold’s Talent Intelligence and Management Report 2019-2020 studies the difficulties managers and HR professionals are facing when managing people and the gap in opinions of executives and their employees. Data from this report was collected from over 1,500 interviews in the United States and some European countries.

Some main findings from this report include:

  • The most common challenges in the US include difficulty in filling specific roles, not having enough qualified candidates, lack of workforce to screen resumes and the need to put unfit applicants into roles. These are also commonly seen in European countries like the UK, France and Germany as well.
  • On the other hand, the most common obstacles for employes include the difficulty to find matching roles over the past few years, potential not being recognized by employers, difficulty in finding jobs due to some specialized experiences and the huge amount of time they spent to look for a job.
  • When asked to list the top reasons for challenges in filling roles, most executives and HR managers claimed that it was hard for them to identify good candidates for interview, their needs were not recognised by recruiters, it was hard for them to see the potential of the job applicants and the lack of sufficient personalisation in the job targeting processes.
  • Although the majority of employees in the US said that they would not work for the organization if they had bad candidate experience, the majority of employees in European countries said they would still work for the employer even when the candidate experience was poor.
  • Most organizations claimed to only have succession planning for executive roles and a sizable percentage of them have no succession planning at all. Despite this, most of the surveyed executives and professionals agreed that an effective succession plan would be beneficial to their organizations.
  • Most executives recognized the negative effects job hopping had on their HR responsibilities and agreed that in the recent 5 years the rate for job hopping has increased substantially.

Full report here.