Emotions In The Workplace – How Employees Feel At Work And Why It Matters – Quantum Workplace



Quantum Workplace’s Emotions In The Workplace report analyses data collected from over 1,100 employees to explore emotional experiences at work.

Some main findings from this report include:

  • Strong emotional cultures are defined to be cultures that acknowledge the human nature of employees and aim to provide a supportive workplace; consider accountability, integrity and employee wellbeing as priorities; express enthusiasm and recover quickly from failure.
  • The most common positive emotions experienced by employees include: comfortable, satisfied and enthusiastic. However, there is a difference between common positive emotions felt by managers and individual contributors. Individual contributors have a higher tendency to feel comfortable compared to managers. On the other hand, managers tend to feel more energetic, enthusiastic and happier than individual contributors.
  • The most common negative emotions felt at work include: frustrated, stressed and anxious. There are also some differences in negative emotions experienced by managers and individual contributors. Managers tend to feel more stressed and frustrated but less anxious than individual contributors.
  • Humiliation, disgust and resentment are the most common negative moral emotions employees experienced at work.
  • Employees feel most comfortable to express their true feelings when being around their immediate colleagues and least comfortable when with customers and clients. If employees have to hide their true emotions at work, they are less likely to be engaged.
  • Employees who never or less than monthly express negative emotions at work are much more engaged compared to employees who express their negative emotions a few times a week or especially, a few times a day.
  • Employees are most easily exposed to negative emotions when they are working on immediate job tasks and responsibilities or interacting with immediate colleagues, which also cause them to have lower engagement level.

Quantum Workplace offers user-friendly, real-time tools to assist businesses with engagement issues and enhancing positive emotions at their organisations.

Full report here.