03 Nov The Key Stages to Consider Your Employees’ Health
Employers always have a responsibility to be vigilant about health and safety. Correct procedures need to be interwoven throughout all of your operations to help keep your employees safe and healthy. But there are also key times during someone’s employment when you need to make sure you’re putting their health first. It helps to protect them but it also ensures your business is protected too. You need to know that your employees are healthy enough to do their jobs and there’s nothing stopping them from working in a safe way. Here are some of the key stages during their employment when health can become a particular concern.
During the Hiring and Onboarding Process
Health checks during the recruitment process may not be required for every role. If someone is working in an office, knowing whether they’re completely healthy isn’t necessarily a top priority. But for more physical jobs or those with greater risks to health, health checks become more important. Conducting a pre employment screening may be necessary if you need to make sure someone is as healthy as possible before they start working for you. Outsourcing this task is an efficient and affordable way of getting it done.

When Providing Training
Safety is often a concern when training both new and existing employees and can be the focus of some training too. During training, it can be important to pay attention to whether employees are healthy enough to carry out the tasks they’re being instructed on. It’s also crucial to keep safe practices in mind when teaching new skills and tasks. Employees need to be shown how to do everything in a safe manner. Instructions on the correct steps to take and any PPE that needs to be worn are all part of making sure employees are trained in doing their jobs properly.
After Any Reported Issues or Incidents
It’s inevitable that employees are sometimes going to be dealing with health issues. Sometimes this can be due to an incident at work, but health problems outside of work will affect them while they’re working too. If an employee reports any existing health issues or incidents, employers need to ensure they’re compliant when it comes to managing their needs. They might need to consider the need for time off or adjustments to an employee’s duties. As well as being important to follow the law, it’s good business sense to care about the health of your employees if you want them to be satisfied at work.

Toward Retirement
As employees get older, there can be a higher chance of them experiencing certain health issues or no longer being able to do their usual duties. This is something some employees might have to think about as older employees start to reach retirement age. If they are loyal employees who have been working with you for a long time, you might want to take steps to allow them to move into a more suitable role.
It’s always important to prioritise the health and safety of your employees. Pay particular attention to these key times when it can matter more than ever.
About the Author
Jeremy Bowler
Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He’s an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur, and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.
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