Career Development

HIPAA is the acronym for Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law is intended to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage. As a part of the HR department, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all HIPAA regulations. Why Is HIPAA Important? HIPAA...

Ongoing threats from the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly affected the global workforce. Some people are told to work from home, while others have had their hours reduced. There are also those unfortunate enough to be made redundant because of the outbreak’s economic impact on businesses. If...

As the years go by, we’re hungry to learn how to work faster, create better, and prioritize smarter. Our careers seem to speed up, and we want to keep up. One thing that remains unfailingly elusive - is time itself. We can’t make more time, and we...

Across the business market diversity continues to be an issue, with racial, sexual and sexuality representation all seriously lacking. Whilst there are signs of improvement, the diversity throughout the corporate landscape is still significantly behind what it should be, with boards and senior management teams predominantly...

The Art of Matchmaking Blog Series: Step 5 - Career Mapping and Succession planning Successful organizations have focused their talent management activities such as attraction, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, performance management, employee development, team building, and succession planning into a strategic workforce plan. This long-term strategy; aligned...

In the last blog we onboard millennials with snackable training, fun and fast-paced activities. Now this employee had demonstrated leadership potential and it’s time to move to our fourth step; Leadership Development. There is a difference between a high-performance persona and a high potential leader. Let’s...

Times have changed. Workplaces are fast becoming (for some) a vehicle for earning more money to pay for a lifestyle of smashed avocado and green smoothies, investment properties whilst living at home with mum and dad, holidays to Bali and Byron and buying the latest sports...