Career Development

Leaders win by putting people before numbers By Hugh Massie Our greatest asset is our people. How often have you heard such a statement and then wondered why attrition at the company is off the Richter scale? After all, it’s a glib, meaningless statement unless the action supporting...

As a business leader you might think you have everything figured out already, or that your self-motivated enough, but that simply isn’t true. No matter what stage your business is at, a business advisory board can make you progress faster than you would on your...

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]When explaining Coraggio, I’m often asked, ‘but don’t CEO’s have all the answers?’ Here’s a challenge, take 10 business owners to coffee over the next few weeks and I promise you they will all say the same thing,...

The idea of having performance appraisals can make team members feel all sorts of emotions. Some feel fear and anxiety, others may feel neutral or excited, or even entitled. As the time for performance appraisals approaches, here are 8 areas management can review in helping...

How not to be named and shamed in the #MeToo movement By Hugh Massie As leaders, we have a responsibility to understand the impact our behaviour has on the people we have the responsibility (and the privilege) of leading. No longer is it acceptable to bully, manipulate, harass,...

For the last 15 years I’ve been accompanying organizations to maximize performance, retention and engagement (earlier described as job satisfaction) by implementing strategies specifically design for Human Resources projects for the recruitment & selection team, learning & development team or the employee relations team. Today...

PERFORMANCE MATTERS Have you ever stopped to wonder why some people in your business always perform better than others? Has it ever crossed your mind that you can do something about this? What image is conjured when you imagine a high performing individual? I bet most...

Learning and Development vs. Business Goals? It’s Not an Either/Or Too many organizations still dismiss learning initiatives and investments into organizational learning as a short-term, HR problem rather than an integral part of a long-term business strategy. It is critical to create and tell over and...

Is finding talented and experienced staff a continuous challenge? There is a distinct trend that applicant lists are getting smaller and that when candidates do apply, they are more demanding for what they require to make that all important career move. For now, gone are...

Effective leaders give their company far more than an abundance of skills and experience. Skills can be learned and experience and qualifications gained, but there is no substitute for the enthusiasm, motivation and passion great leaders possess. These people can mean the difference between an average...