Employer Branding

Every business owner wants to get the very most out of their employees, and there’s nothing unusual about that. If you want to make sure that your business grows and thrives in the short-term and for a long time to come, it’s going to have...

We are all different – that’s a given – but if you are in the business of “people” it’s imperative that you recognize and understand behavioral differences, including how to manage and lead them to individual and corporate success. The only way to effectively hire and...

Generation Z, also known as Gen Wii or the iGeneration is making their first step towards employment. The successors to the Millennial generation, people belonging to Gen Z were born between 1996 and 2012. In other words, some of them are now mature enough to...

Culture is the personality and character of your company. How would employees describe your culture? The culture is toxic. Leaders are the worst. Don’t worry about it, just do it. Culture, what culture? No one cares what I think. I don’t tell people where I work. Or…....

Leaders win by putting people before numbers By Hugh Massie Our greatest asset is our people. How often have you heard such a statement and then wondered why attrition at the company is off the Richter scale? After all, it’s a glib, meaningless statement unless the action supporting...

All Aboard! Onboarding [on-bohr-ding]—n. is the process through which new employees acquire the skills, behavior, and knowledge to become effective members of an organization. Research has shown that these techniques lead to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater commitment to the organization, and reduced turnover. Introducing...

Have you ever experienced arriving all fresh and ready to go for your first day at a new job but your manager is running late? Maybe the receptionist doesn’t know where your desk is (if you even have one)? Worse still, perhaps nobody is even expecting...

As a Human Resources professional, if you and your team obsessed over all the metrics that every article on the web suggested you should measure to confirm whether you are running an effective recruitment process, you would end up spending most of your time measuring recruiting activities...