
Unconscious bias often occurs when an interviewer makes an unfair judgment on a candidate without realising it. This bias can come from the interviewer’s attitudes toward the candidates’ race, gender, culture and/or age. It can also come from the interviewer’s previous experience, background, and personality. Common sources...

We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world, and the market is pretty competitive whatever industry you work in. This means that enterprises today need to be efficient, innovative, and highly productive to succeed. All of this can be easily achieved by investing in the best...

There are strengths and weaknesses to eNPS which must be considered when answering your question. These are as below: 1.PROS eNPS has strong face validity and is simple to interpret. Employees view it as an accurate, easy to read metric, and can therefore readily interpret it and...

At MultiRater Surveys we believe that there has been a fundamental shift in the underlying requirements for conducting employee reviews and feedback. We strongly believe that employers should also take, to a large degree, responsibility for each employee's mental and physical health. Our Millennial generation...

Digital transformation has been a popular discussion topic within HR and other fields in recent years. Yet, most of the time, strategical methods to approach this matter are not included in these exchanges of views. HR executives should involve all employees within their organization in the...

HIPAA is the acronym for Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law is intended to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage. As a part of the HR department, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all HIPAA regulations. Why Is HIPAA Important? HIPAA...

Ongoing threats from the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly affected the global workforce. Some people are told to work from home, while others have had their hours reduced. There are also those unfortunate enough to be made redundant because of the outbreak’s economic impact on businesses. If...

For team managers, one of the main day-to-day roles (other than ensuring project organisation and delivery) is keeping employees motivated and engaged in their work. It’s no secret that employee disengagement comes at a cost, often causing absenteeism, low team morale and high staff turnover. As...