
Written by: Dawn Nolan - personneltoday.com HR services made up one-fifth of all outsourcing deals in 2014, and contracts are evolving from transactional HR to more sophisticated strategic talent management services. What’s behind this emerging trend? Dawn Nolan reports.  HR outsourcing has experienced an explosion in demand....

Written by: Jason Geller - fastcompany.com There’s no shortage of challenges facing business leaders today. From data breaches to competition from emerging markets, the list goes on. But the most important challenge facing leaders isn’t an external threat. It’s the one that’s coming from inside company...

Written by: Janine Milne- diginomica.com SUMMARY: Monitise is a familiar story – a fast growing business, expanding rapidly overseas whose internal systems cannot  match the same pace of change as the business. A cloud-based HR strategy is helping address those challenges.  Bruce King, SVP group HR at mobile technology firm...

Written by: Nick Martindale - hrmagazine.co.uk Enterprise social networks (ESNs) are becoming increasingly popular among larger organisations, but how can HR encourage employees to engage with them? In an era where people of all ages are increasingly comfortable with the concept of social networking – using sites...