
By Andy Campbell - diginomica.com SUMMARY: Improved employee engagement delivers value to the overall business, but employee productivity remains significantly low in many developed nations. Most organisations recognise the impact and value that improved employee engagement delivers to the overall business. But while this should incite companies...

Written by: Jacob Morgan Recently Deloitte released their report on Human Capital Trends for 2015, which explores everything from the on-demand workforce to reinventing HR to data and analytics to much more. If you have a few minutes I highly recommend you check it out. I recently...

Written by: Edwin Mouriño-Ruiz - td.org Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. —Peter F. Drucker Study after study demonstrates that the main reasons employees leave organizations are poor management and lack of leadership. In fact, a 2013 white paper from the Center for...

Written by: Dawn Nolan - personneltoday.com HR services made up one-fifth of all outsourcing deals in 2014, and contracts are evolving from transactional HR to more sophisticated strategic talent management services. What’s behind this emerging trend? Dawn Nolan reports.  HR outsourcing has experienced an explosion in demand....

Written by: Jason Geller - fastcompany.com There’s no shortage of challenges facing business leaders today. From data breaches to competition from emerging markets, the list goes on. But the most important challenge facing leaders isn’t an external threat. It’s the one that’s coming from inside company...