Learning, Training & Development

Every company needs employees. Without good workers, no business can hope to survive in a highly competitive and oversaturated market. It's safe to say that many companies have a lot of issues regarding their employment practices and the majority of these issues are, in fact,...

Culture is the personality and character of your company. How would employees describe your culture? The culture is toxic. Leaders are the worst. Don’t worry about it, just do it. Culture, what culture? No one cares what I think. I don’t tell people where I work. Or…....

Having selected the candidates — which we talked about last time – then come the interviews. And, these can now be “behaviorally smart,” using questions based on the outcomes of the pre-hire assessments you’ve completed. Well-structured resumes are not difficult to produce, with or without a...

In the last blog we onboard millennials with snackable training, fun and fast-paced activities. Now this employee had demonstrated leadership potential and it’s time to move to our fourth step; Leadership Development. There is a difference between a high-performance persona and a high potential leader. Let’s...

As a business leader you might think you have everything figured out already, or that your self-motivated enough, but that simply isn’t true. No matter what stage your business is at, a business advisory board can make you progress faster than you would on your...

All Aboard! Onboarding [on-bohr-ding]—n. is the process through which new employees acquire the skills, behavior, and knowledge to become effective members of an organization. Research has shown that these techniques lead to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater commitment to the organization, and reduced turnover. Introducing...

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]When explaining Coraggio, I’m often asked, ‘but don’t CEO’s have all the answers?’ Here’s a challenge, take 10 business owners to coffee over the next few weeks and I promise you they will all say the same thing,...

Have you ever experienced arriving all fresh and ready to go for your first day at a new job but your manager is running late? Maybe the receptionist doesn’t know where your desk is (if you even have one)? Worse still, perhaps nobody is even expecting...

The Art of Matchmaking 7-steps signature program focus on the organizational and employee needs throughout the employee journey; also known as employee lifecycle so that the employee experience, engagement and retention could be impacted in every step. For the last 10 years we’ve been experiencing...

Imagine this: You arrive at your office on a typical Monday morning, knowing that you have a massive amount of estimating and quoting to get done. You think to yourself, ‘WOW remember how we used to do it!’ You’d get your first of many coffees...