Motivating Employees

The role of HR in motivating employees and achieving organizational goals cannot be understated. Despite this, current data presents a concerning picture: only 36% of employees are truly engaged at their workplace. This lack of engagement can significantly undermine productivity and deteriorate the company’s performance. Fortunately,...

Motivated employees are key to an organization’s productivity and innovation. Indeed, when employees feel inspired and driven, they channel their energy and talents toward achieving the shared goals of the organization that they work for. Conversely, without motivation, employees may remain stagnant and disengaged, which...

Companies should consider investing in onboarding technologies to streamline the integration of new hires into the company. These technologies can automate administrative tasks, such as paperwork completion, training schedules, and policy acknowledgement, saving time for HR professionals and new employees. But to get the most...

Employee happiness is essential to workflow. However, 2022 research from Indeed indicates that 72% of Australian employees felt unhappy in the past twelve months. Frequent employee recognition through gifts can positively impact well-being: employees recognised monthly are 36% more likely than those recognised quarterly to...

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, fostering a culture of continuous improvement is vital for organizational success. This culture's heart lies in the art of constructive conversations and feedback. This powerful tool enhances individual performance and contributes to the overall growth and development...

According to the American Ambulance Association, the emergency medical services (EMS) sector posted poor worker retention rates in 2022, with overall turnover rates being in the range of between 21% and 36% for the different occupations within the industry. These workers included paramedics and emergency...

Welcome to the era of remote work, where teams transcend physical boundaries to achieve greatness. Remote collaboration brings flexibility and freedom, but it also presents unique challenges. Here, you’ll delve into the art of remote collaboration and provide practical strategies to enhance team productivity and...

High turnover rates pose a significant challenge for businesses across various industries, with the real estate sector being no exception. In the dynamic world of real estate, the attrition rate among agents remains alarmingly high. In fact, according to 2020 estimates, up to 88% of...

Many organizations are experiencing significant staff turnover rates and high expenditures due to the Great Resignation. Do you feel like you're in the same boat? Are you an employer that is concerned about retaining your employees? If you’re one of them, continue reading. Companies need to...