
You can improve employee productivity. You just need to know the tried and true methods to make this happen. In fact, there are five tips you should know about today. 1. Assess and Plan You will not see improved productivity from your team without an accurate assessment...

As the years go by, we’re hungry to learn how to work faster, create better, and prioritize smarter. Our careers seem to speed up, and we want to keep up. One thing that remains unfailingly elusive - is time itself. We can’t make more time, and we...

There is no shortage of productivity boosting tips available, ranging from those which are easy to implement (e.g. to-do lists) to those which are difficult to get away with (e.g. taking a nap under your desk). The key question is which of these tips are proven...

So after a thorough process of searching, screening and selecting, you finally have an ideal new employee. From the time they start working with your organisation it’s important to make them feel welcome and comfortable with their new environment otherwise they may not feel like...

Culture is the personality and character of your company. How would employees describe your culture? The culture is toxic. Leaders are the worst. Don’t worry about it, just do it. Culture, what culture? No one cares what I think. I don’t tell people where I work. Or…....

Having selected the candidates — which we talked about last time – then come the interviews. And, these can now be “behaviorally smart,” using questions based on the outcomes of the pre-hire assessments you’ve completed. Well-structured resumes are not difficult to produce, with or without a...

Every organization has talent stars. The ones who shine. The ones who consistently get wins for the business. The charismatic, in-crowd types. We all know them. We may secretly envy them. Maybe even some of us are them. But where do they fit in today’s more enlightened...

Times have changed. Workplaces are fast becoming (for some) a vehicle for earning more money to pay for a lifestyle of smashed avocado and green smoothies, investment properties whilst living at home with mum and dad, holidays to Bali and Byron and buying the latest sports...

Leaders win by putting people before numbers By Hugh Massie Our greatest asset is our people. How often have you heard such a statement and then wondered why attrition at the company is off the Richter scale? After all, it’s a glib, meaningless statement unless the action supporting...