Workplace Culture

Outplacement is vital for any company or organisation implementing enforced workplace change, downsizing, retrenchment or redundancy. Typically management view the provision of Outplacement services as a benevolent act to assist former employees find another position and move on with their lives, and whilst this is a...

Every organization has talent stars. The ones who shine. The ones who consistently get wins for the business. The charismatic, in-crowd types. We all know them. We may secretly envy them. Maybe even some of us are them. But where do they fit in today’s more enlightened...

Times have changed. Workplaces are fast becoming (for some) a vehicle for earning more money to pay for a lifestyle of smashed avocado and green smoothies, investment properties whilst living at home with mum and dad, holidays to Bali and Byron and buying the latest sports...

Leaders win by putting people before numbers By Hugh Massie Our greatest asset is our people. How often have you heard such a statement and then wondered why attrition at the company is off the Richter scale? After all, it’s a glib, meaningless statement unless the action supporting...

Is diversity and inclusion (D&I) in organizations and teams just the latest HR craze? Or maybe just a nod to equality compliance? Neither. D&I, when introduced appropriately, mines the rich and often untapped talent within an organization. In fact, understanding what D&I means when implemented within a business...

All Aboard! Onboarding [on-bohr-ding]—n. is the process through which new employees acquire the skills, behavior, and knowledge to become effective members of an organization. Research has shown that these techniques lead to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, greater commitment to the organization, and reduced turnover. Introducing...

It never ceases to amaze how many organizations rely on groups of people (teams) to deliver significant outcomes for their businesses yet invest few resources in understanding the individuals who make up a team. Great team dynamics are the basis for success. When teams are built...

Have you ever experienced arriving all fresh and ready to go for your first day at a new job but your manager is running late? Maybe the receptionist doesn’t know where your desk is (if you even have one)? Worse still, perhaps nobody is even expecting...

The idea of having performance appraisals can make team members feel all sorts of emotions. Some feel fear and anxiety, others may feel neutral or excited, or even entitled. As the time for performance appraisals approaches, here are 8 areas management can review in helping...

By Abraham Ash, Partner and Heloise Ormandy, Lawyer, Clayton Utz Disciplining and terminating employees for inappropriate use of social media is unfortunately a "hot topic" for businesses. The divide between "work life" and "private life" has become increasingly blurred, in large part due to the...